About Midwest Blocks

Midwest Blocks is a lighly modded server built around the goal of fostering community. I launched at the beginning of 2023 with the intent of using it to play with my sibblings back in Washington state, but got a few requests to make it public facing โ€“ and now that it's available to everyone, my mission is simple: create a fun and engaging environment where players can explore, build, and connect. The server is constantly evolving and new features are added monthly based on community feedback. Whether youโ€™re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, I'd love to have you join us and be part of the community!

About The Archetecture

So, while I started this project with the intent connecting with my younger sibblings, it's honestly turned into a larger project than I expected. The servers themselves are old Mac Minis and MacBook Pros that I modified and networked together. Some host websites (like this one), SQL servers, my SaaS project, and a few "cloud" servers I lease to others. All of the server maint. code is publically available on my GitHub and can be freely used.

I would love to see this continue to grow and be a hub for community building โ€“ please feel free to reach out if you want to be involved with maintaining the server!

-Samuel (server admin)